Giant Steps - Blue Bottle Coffee Club

Giant Steps is another of our favorites from Blue Bottle Coffee Club.  This one is light and flavorful.  It has notes of Cocoa, toasted marshmallow, graham cracker.  This one doesn’t hit you over the head as strong but it’s subtle and yet smooth.  The mellow tones are wonderful!  Don’t miss this great bean - there is so much here to love!

Here is what the website says:

Named after John Coltrane’s Giant Steps, this dense and substantial coffee is not unlike the jazz visionary's signature "sheets of sound.” Our darkest blend, comprising organic coffees from Uganda, Papua New Guinea, and Sumatra, is downright viscous in the cup. Just like Coltrane’s ability to cascade into high-pitched octaves with maximum control, this coffee’s inflections of stone fruit lighten without losing focus. Improvisations of milk or cream—in any proportion—shine.


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